
This site is not affiliated with any political campaign. It was created quickly by someone who just wanted to make clear what the differences are between the two remaining democratic candidates on the major issues.

The democratic political establishment and the majority of infotainment media obfuscate what these differences are, as has been demonstrated in the latest democratic debates. Creating this website seemed like a clean way of sorting out the facts.

Here's what I've learned: Joe Biden is a deal maker; Bernie Sanders is a revolutionary thinker. Approaching politics this way produces radically different results. The breakdown I make on this website should highlight the long-lasting consequences of what Joe's deal-making brings us. He's willing to side with the republicans for the sake of getting things done with little long-term perspective on what that means. This fundamentally does little to change the status quo. Bernie approaches politics differently - his positions are focused the future generations and he wants to create a "revolution" to bring in new voters to achieve his policy goals.

That being said, it is not an opinion that human civilization is on the cusp of total climate breakdown. It is up to us to decide if the reckless deal-maker or the big revolutionary thinker is best to lead us through the tides. The amazing undiscovered truth about America is that we can get things done if we all collectively decide that we want to commit to putting effort into it.

Let's pick a candidate that galvanizes us.

Joe needs 51% of the remaining vote to get the nomination. Bernie needs 54%. This is still a tight contest. With big primaries coming in Michigan, Washington, Missouri, Idaho, Nebraska, and Mississippi on March 10th, I felt the need to sort this out quickly.

Choose wisely.

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